Come on, this is newgrounds. You don't have to cut the BJ scene short.
Come on, this is newgrounds. You don't have to cut the BJ scene short.
Missed opportunity for a penis joke. Also you should consider EBSynth at some point.
== TIL Markiplier used Newgrounds. ==
It's always nice to try out a new animation style, or 33, most of these coming from other NG animators. Interesting challenge, but some of the styles used may be hard to recognize.
For example:
- The shading in the "Gonzossm" style is good, but the colours could be more vibrant.
- The "Zeurel" inspired style looks nothing like Zeurel's work. Wonky outlines, choppy movement, and disproportioned shapes, not even close to the fluent frame by frame he's spent years perfecting.
- Harry Partridge, like Zeurel, also uses full-body frame by frame, not tweens like in 2:10. I understand that it may take too much time + not within your skill level, but that's what sets him apart from other web animators.
- The "rtil" style, which uses pixel art. I believe this is based on his version of the Junior Senior Move your Feet video from 2008, but even then they look nothing alike.
Would've been a better fit to aim for the style he used in "Metropolis Circuit", though that might be too difficult.
Some of the styles are jokes, such as Zone-Sama, where no actual animation is done here, just "Censored", and Nicki Minaj, which uses a dog head with a wig
RicePirate and Markiplier (yes, it's the massive YouTuber) also did a great job with the voices, so thumbs up for them as well!
== Still official ==
Score: 7 | SS Review #23
The 23rd of the Dailytoons and second to be hosted by NorthStarx. Uses the same menu format as the Nov 20 Dailytoon. Onto the review
2RS: There's no j00bie, but there is TMNT but kangaroos. The background looks like some poorly compressed pixelated jank. The kangaroo images tween onto the screen.
Scrap Head: No sound, but there is a cartoon drink. Very muddy.
Skally: This movie is about a kid (represented as a head) who is forced to obey by a sign. Although just a head, it does somewhat resemble Jhonen Vasquez's style.
SevenStar. Tells the tale of Kool Aid Man and Toucan Sam. Decent writing, although presented using traced bitmaps and the intro was long and drawn out. Ends on cliffhanger.
Illwillpenis: Man poops out a penis which then fucks him. Moral: SS > You
Visuals: 4/10 | Entertainment: 6/10 | Sound: 6/10 | Best Toons: Skally, if the voice wasn't too cringe, and SevenStar,
== Back on the SS Account ==
Score: 5: SS Review #22
The 22nd of the Dailytoons. For the previous toon, see here:
Onto the review:
2RS: Family Guy is uncancelled, so here's a single frame and a song.
j00bie: Screamer. Be warned. It tells you to vote 5, which means it has some sort of psychological effect on you.
Scraphead: TMNT but octopus. There's only 3 octopus. Background (from old video games) changes once and there's no badguy, so IDK what's going on here.
PsychoJester: Red curtain (??) background, and spinning head that changes colour subtlely while music plays. The introductory text appears more impressive.
Visuals: 4/10 | Entertainment: 6/10 | Sound: 6/10 | Best Toon: Scraphead
== Not on the SS Account ==
Score: 8 | SS Review #021
The 21st of the Dailytoons. November 19th didn't have a toon, last I checked.
This one's hosted by Aerdail/NorthStar and isn't on the SS account, but according to the next Dailytoon, it's legit. Onto the review:
Menu: NorthStar put together and edited the menu. It's not crudely drawn in black and white. There's also an interactive ball demo, that's neat.
2RS: Crappily drawn dude goes mad. Very thick 'blammable' 'art'.
Scrap Head: Much like NorthStar did before, this one mixes live action with crappy Flash cartoon.
Dude kills a cartoon fly.
NorthStar: Same as in DT#17 (Nov 15), but ends with the text "Please hold".
OneStar: Two clocks. No wait, 3.
SevenStar: The TMNT moles are back. Now in the sewers and fighting Hitler. Just wait until the toon ends.
Draciel 56: Draciel shows you a useful bathroom tip. Has better drawn visuals (although not by much)
Visuals: 7/10 | Entertainment: 9/10 | Sound: 7/10 |
Best Toon (my opinion) Draciel
== j00bie Toons ==
Score: 5 | SS Review #020b
The second part of the 20th of the Dailytoons, and a compilation of various toons from the same author (j00bie). This became the first Dailytoon to win an award, an Underdog.
Onto the review:
In general: j00bie tends to use existing images (sometimes edited) to portray actions on screen, while letting the audio (and also the viewers' imagination) do all the heavy lifting.
Dogs: 1st of j00bie's toons from DT#16 (Nov 14). They fight Hitler.
? circle: RAWR!!! It's the 2nd toon from DT#16. Screamer don't work as well the second time you watch it.
Ranger (under the dog and ? circle): Power Rangers toon from DT#03 (Nov 1).
Osama (between sombrero and the other symbols: Speakonia Bush and Osama do anal.
Sombrero: Mexican toon from DT#08 (Nov 6). featuring stillframe stickmen. In its original Dailytoon, it blew out my right ear. Now it's blown out my left. Time to buy new ones.
Who ya should have voted for: Nader toon from DT#02 (Oct 31). Nader's picture mirrors while the vertical text (NADER IS THE ONE!!) appears on both sides.
Dot: This is Vinstigator's toon, also from DT#08. Just a dot. Zero'd!
Visuals: 2/10 | Entertainment: 8/10 | Sound: 7/10 |
Best Toon (my opinion) TMNT Dogs, as that had more stuff moving.
== OneStar Toons ==
Score: 7 | SS Review #020
The first part of the 20th of the Dailytoons, and a compilation of various toons from the same author (OneStar/jetninjin). They appeared in previous Dailytoons which I reviewed already, so I won't cover them too much here.
Onto the review:
In general: OneStar uses original drawings. Although crude and sometimes choppy (excluding when tweens are involved), they get the job done.
Fish: The fish toon from DT#19 (Nov 17). The most recent of the bunch. Seaweed uses white outlines, little bit odd. Interesting paralax effects.
Cat: The cat toon from DT#13 (Nov 11), with ~8 cats moving around
Monster: The monster toon from DT#16 (Nov 14). Good choice of music.
Bottle: The drinking toon from DT#12 (Nov 10). Lots of stuff on screen.
Tree: The tree toon from DT#17 (Nov 15). Axe motion doesn't have that proper impact. Imagination required.
Sun: The beach toon from DT#11 (Nov 9).
Eclipse: From DT#18 (Nov 16). It's two circles and a tween. And a face.
Car: From DT#08 (Nov 6). Lotsa spaghetti comin' out that truck.
Visuals: 6/10 | Entertainment: 7/10 | Sound: 7/10 | Best Toons (my opinion) Sun + Monster
== Turtles again, and more of the same ==
Score: 8 | SS Review #018
The 18th of the Dailytoons. There's less toons this time. Onto the review:
OneStar: It's an eclipse. Like the face when it happens.
SevenStar: TMNT but it's moles in a dojo the entire time. Image of shredder shows up until the theme ends. Then he's dead.
Scrap_head: Mohawk dudes headbang. Also some smurfs and a band that cropped poorly from South Park. Overall, very inconsistent and choppy visuals, but good music (thanks Steve2006). Still amusing seeing the math guy getting whacked.
NorthStar/Aerdail: Drinking Coca Cola right out the can is not good for you, and I approve of this message.
Visuals: 6/10 | Entertainment: 9/10 | Sound: 7/10 | Best Toon (my opinion) Aerdail
== FIGHT!! ==
Score: 7 | SS Review #017
The 17th of the Dailytoons. Message of the Day is "Don't be like the douchebags who vote 0 out of hate for the series as a whole, analyze it first and find reasons for why it deserves your score. " Onto the review:
2RS: Gangster penis is back, and awesome than ever.
Aerdail: Live action Aerdail fights a cartoon stickman. Music from Final Fantasy 7. Stickman's animated well, but the video's a bit small and it ends abruptly.
Azigal: No sound. Choppy animation. Characters talk in speech bubbles (because of no sound).
Scrap-head: Quiz: Are you intelligent. The flashing "YES" button moves away when you try to click it. The rest of the buttons are also very messed up, with DAH being the only one that works (only after clicking "Not bad" and getting it to error), generic shapes and Comic Sans aside,
OneStar: Man chops tree down and kills 3 other people. It's drawn originally, I can give it that.
Visuals: 6/10 | Entertainment: 9/10 | Sound: 7/10 | Best Toons (my opinion): Aerdail and 2RS
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